Tuesday 11 May 2010

Cod with Peppers and Potatoes

I don't actually know what this dish is called so I'm giving it a 'duhh' name. It's a recipe my sister gave me and it's dead easy and tastes awesome. I was too hungry to take a picture of it before eating so you'll just have to imagine it in your creative mind.

Feeds 2 people

You need:
250g jar of roasted mixed peppers (you can easily find this in the antipasti section at the supermarket)
250g new potatoes
1 red onion
140g green beans
2x175g cod fillets (these have a few tiny bones in it so you may want to inspect your fish before cooking it otherwise you'll end up pulling bones out of your mouth throughout the meal. max unglam)
1/2 lemon

And... go!
1. Cut the potatoes and onions into wedges (personal preference really) and halve the beans
2. Drain the oil from the jar of roasted peppers into a pan on high heat
3. Fry the potatoes and onions in the pepper oil for about 5min/until golden
4. Pour away most of the oil, leaving about 2 tbsp in the pan
5. Add the beans and peppers. Cook for another 5 min
6. Put the cod skin side down on top of your oily stirfry
7. Cover and let it cook for about 10min
8. Drizzle with lemon juice (I forgot this step and it still tasted fine)

The best part is you have your carbs, veg and fish all in one dish with no extra salt/seasoning!

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